I'm Patricia Lyons and welcome to my blogsite. I am an international lifestyle photographer based in Virginia.
I shoot, well, everything, but you'll find I mainly photograph editorial for select magazines, as well as beautiful weddings in Virginia and around the world. Some photo slideshows are stacked below to the right, and you can even watch them all if you have a whole lot of time and a jug of coffee (and I've been told a box of tissues). You can also 'search' the blog if you are looking for something specific.

Or I suppose you could just enjoy the ride back in time, as everything happened.
I know I have.

You can find me at (804)387-5722 or email patricia@patricialyonsphotography.com


Last night Spencer came to me and said, "Mom, this book is really hard. Can you read some of it with me?" I was in the middle of finishing up a task and I said, "Give me a few minutes to wrap this up and I will." Apparently that didn't suffice. He walked out of my office and I heard his heavy steps recede down the hallway. Bad Mom, I know, I know. But if I stopped what I was doing every single time a child in this house needed something then nothing would ever get done.

I quickly finished up and went to find him, read with him and erase my bad Mom guilt. I walked down the dark hall and there it was, smack in the middle of my path. A glowing teepee that had been dragged from the playroom, with a steady voice from within that wasn't Spencer's. Because everyone knows the best place to read is tucked in a teepee, with a flashlight, in a dark hallway. I saw the flashlight moving and two shadows inside, heads together, and heard my older son reading steadily through the difficult words. Their growing bodies, at ages nine and ten easily filled the entire teepee they've had since they were two and three.

So bad Mom listened for a bit, then tiptoed away and let good brother save the day. Maybe she isn't so bad after all.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

This is perfect. I have 2 little boys (3 and 11 months) and I hope they are close like this :)

I saw your ad on OSP for the 5d... I registered for an account but haven't been able to reply to your post. I thought I'd try to contact you via your blog. How old is the camera and do you know the shutter count?

My email is nic073@yahoo.com


Nicole Barczak